Local Connection
Hotel Estancia Cerro Guido is located in one of the most unique landscapes in the world. Surrounded by mountains, wildlife and inserted in a centuries-old cultural tradition.
We assume the connection with the environment as the set of links between the Estancia and its surroundings, with the purpose of keeping and improving the development of our community and the region.
Conservation and Environment
We believe that development must be done hand in hand with the community. Inserted in the middle of the Chilean Patagonia, among wonders of nature, we cannot overlook the care of the environment.
With this vision in mind, together with the commune of Torres del Paine we have carried out cleaning operations where part of the staff has played a leading role in the care of our ecosystem. Always keeping in mind that this is a pristine landscape, home to many unique species in the country and the world.
Also, the conservationist work of the Cerro Guido Foundation contributes to our goal by educating and raising awareness about the importance of preserving the livestock activity, the driving force of the Magallanes region; and the species that inhabit these territories, like the Puma, which has been persecuted by hunters for almost 150 years.
Estancia Tradition
Estancia Cerro Guido Hotel is committed to preserving the tradition and culture of the ranch. Joining in the work of rescuing heritage spaces that preserve the essence of the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica.
Tasks such as caring for the animals and restoring and implementing the stalls scattered throughout the Estancia’s grounds help preserve the lifestyle of a community that has been living on these lands for more than a century.
Estancia Cerro Guido Hotel reaffirms its commitment to the development of the community in which it is inserted, hand in hand with local, regional, and national institutions to grow together.