Patagonian Cuisine
Every region in the world has something that makes it special and unique. Its aromas, colors, landscapes and flavors. Now, imagine being able to live the experience of combining all of them in the same place, allowing your senses to take part in an experience where you can not only discover flavors but also textures, […]
A glance at our history
We still conserve and use the houses and facilities built since its origin, rescuing this cultural heritage of great value.Forged by European pioneers, with 247.105 acres, Cerro Guido is today the largest Estancia in the region, with one of the largest livestock and crop extensions in the area. Some pastures have been improved with forage […]
Patagonia with your Family
Enjoying Chilean Patagonia goes beyond adventure tourism for the most daring, it is also possible to discover a world of natural entertainment that allows adults, youth and children to live fun experiences and learn about our beautiful land. Our culture inspired by the respect and spirit of preserving what surrounds us, is something that we […]
What should I wear in Patagonia?
The nature of southern Chile surprises us every day, and when we talk about surprises it is completely necessary to highlight the changeability of our climate, therefore it is possible that from one moment to another we have a spectacular sunny day and a few minutes later a light rain will start to keep us […]
Las Chinas River Valley: A Gateway to the Past
What would you think if I told you that time materializes? That it comes in different colors, shapes and sizes? That we can touch it? Feel its textures and see its colors? In the Las Chinas River Valley, on the grounds of Estancia Cerro Guido, it is possible. The Las Chinas River Valley is […]
Who are Duncan Campbell and Gladys Grace?
Duncan Campbell and his partner, Gladys Grace, visited Estancia Cerro Guido after many years without setting foot on this land. They are the authors of Patagonia Wild and Free, a book that compiles the writings of William H. Greenwood, one of Patagonia’s pioneers. Duncan Campbell and Gladys Grace‘s visit took me by surprise. I was […]
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