14 June 2024

What should I wear in Patagonia?
The nature of southern Chile surprises us every day, and when we talk about surprises it is completely necessary to highlight the changeability of our climate, therefore it is possible that from one moment to another we have a spectacular sunny day and a few minutes later a light rain will start to keep us company.
That is why we want to give you our best recommendations so that you can enjoy your visit to the fullest, enjoying each of your moments both indoors and outdoors. What is the first thing we should pack? Depending on the season and considering the geographical conditions of our Patagonia, it is necessary to know from the beginning that we experience low temperatures all year round and this varies according to the 4 seasons of our country.
Clothes: First layers, essential garments to conserve the internal heat and thus be comfortable during the whole day of activities. Warm clothes considering that in summer we have an average of 10 degrees Celsius and in winter an average of -2 degrees Celsius.
Among the essential items of clothing, a windbreaker is completely necessary for the entertaining and incessant wind gusts that are experienced throughout Patagonia, this, complemented with sunglasses and gloves to help protect your hands from the breeze while you perform the various activities we have prepared in Estancia Cerro Guido.
Trekking gear, windbreaker pants, outdoor boots with a good grip on the sole, buff, sunscreen and lipbalm are the essentials you should not forget to bring in your suitcase to spend an unforgettable vacation touring and enjoying the most beautiful scenery that the south of Chile has to offer.
Finally learning about each and every one of the activities that we do in Estancia Cerro Guido, or know them by clicking here you can estimate the type of clothing or accessories needed to carry out a spectacular day either of: Horseback riding, fishing, hiking nearby or hiking to the base of the Torres del Paine among others, which consider unique conditions for the comfort and enjoyment of all those who come to spend a beautiful vacation in Estancia Cerro Guido.